Atlantic County, New Jersey
4 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 3, ISSUE 9 ATLANT I C COUNTY , NEW JERSEY surrounded by a lot of people and wealth here in the northeast, and being in southern New Jersey, our cost for real estate, labor, and housing is generally considerably lower than a lot of other competitive business markets in this region.” When working to attract companies to Atlantic County, and retain and grow the existing ones, the ACEA always emphasizes the exceptional quality of life, as well as the enviable cost of living. A strong selling point is access to the Garden City Parkway and the Atlantic City Expressway, allowing a short 45-minute ride to the Philadelphia MSA and an hour-and-20- minute ride to the New York metropolitan area. Moore reports, “When I travel through Atlantic City, Ventnor, Margate, and Longport, I see a lot of New York and Pennsylvania license plates year-round now. People are staying here in their second homes, moving out of the New York and Philadelphia metropolis areas, because they’ve learned to be flexible using Zoom and electronic devices to work where you are. A lot of that
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