Cox Business Convention Center

8 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 9, ISSUE 11 building for 30-plus years,” Teel says. “If you speak about the types of events, whether it’s run by the city or run by ASM Global, who we all work for, there is something that keeps folks loving this building. One of the things, when I go out into the community, is that I get a lot of people in Tulsa that have grown up with this building. They have had their graduations here, they’ve seen the circus here, they have seen their favorite teams for sporting events here and it really speaks to a convention center that can stand the test of time.” Looking towards the future, the team at Cox Business Convention Center are putting a concerted effort into their marketing initiatives, both in terms of what potential Tulsa holds as a tourist destination and how Cox Business Convention Center can facilitate the needs of the city. “It’s a great city to come to, and once people arrive here they fall in love with it and never leave. We hired a new marketing manager in November and our social numbers have gone through the roof. We are up 200 to 300% on views and likes across all platforms,” Thornton reflects. By working collaboratively with the City of Tulsa and other organizations including the Sports ETA, Cox Business Convention Center are clearly taking center stage in a city that has unlimited tourist, convention, and conference potential for years to come. Teel shares, “We are trying to educate everyone about Tulsa, and our convention center is really amazing. We can do just about anything in this building. But people also want to know about Tulsa itself.” COX BUS INESS CONVENT ION CENTER