Cox Business Convention Center

7 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 9, ISSUE 11 of our exhibit hall.” To take advantage of the importance that sports have played in Tulsa for years, Cox Business Convention Center is working closely with the Sports Economic and Tourism Association (SportsETA) to help showcase to a broader sports-affiliated audience what the city has to offer, as well as highlighting the robust economic impact traveling sporting events bring to both the convention center and the city. To signify the significant sporting role, Cox Business Convention Center will be hosting the 2025 SportsETA conference. “It’s going to be a really, really cool event to be able to showcase all of the assets that Tulsa has in the sporting world, whether it’s a soccer park, or our beautiful golf course, or our indoor sports facilities and our arena, which is a block and a half away. Anybody that has sporting events will likely come to this trade show,” Teel says. “The conference will run for a whole five days,” Thornton adds. “There are huge opportunities here in Tulsa to these types of things (sporting conventions) and our convention center is definitely built here for the economic impact of the city. The city is leaning on us very heavily to bring those people from all over the United States into Tulsa to eat at our restaurants and go to our parks.” Teel is quick to point out that it is the staff themselves that make the convention center so special and propels it into the top ranks of facilities of its kind throughout the country. “We have several people on our team, whether it’s operations or sales, who have been in the