Kapuskasing, Ontario

and music, representing the Francophone culture of the area. The Civic Centre is also a host to concerts and theatre, along with a fully renovated and updated library with many available services and amenities. For recreation, the Sports Palace also has a double ice pad, and a curling rink. “We really do have everything you need in the community. There’s no reason why you wouldn’t be able to find whatever it is that you want here. You’re not spending two hours on the road to and from work every day, so you have a lot of time at your disposal,” says Plourde. Infrastructure updates are ongoing, including sewer and water system overhauls in the last decade. Roadwork and sidewalk repairs are continuous, at an annual expense of $800,000. The town relies on road construction companies, Villeneuve Construction and Lachance Construction, for many large projects in the community. “We are really fortunate to be to have both those companies right in our community,” Sustain customer confidence in your utility. • Provide solid answers in seconds with consumption data • Present it in person, print it on bills, or email detailed graphs • Raise flags for leaks and backflows to prevent high water bills neptunetg.com/customerservice KAPUSKAS ING, ONTAR IO says Mayor Plourde, adding, “In Northern Ontario, our season is short for construction. We have to take advantage of the nice weather to be able to do it. Our frost level is eight feet, so we have to go down deeper, and we sit on the clay belt, which comes with its own challenges.” Currently, the town is rehabilitating two bridges that cross the Kapuskasing River, with assistance from both the federal and provincial governments. At a cost of $4.5 million, the municipality is providing $800,00 for the bridge projects. According to Plourde, “It’s a fair contribution. It’s the Trans-Canada highway, so a portion of that is funded by the municipality. The town uses that as their everyday road, but we have 10,000 transports that go through our community every day. It is not money going towards our own street construction, it is going towards highway projects.” Plourde goes on to share his satisfaction with the working relationship the municipality has with both levels of government,