Central Elgin, Ontario

1-866-765-2217 | erthcorp.com ERTH is a diverse group of companies serving Utilities and Municipalities. Owned by nine municipal shareholders, ERTH distributes electricity to 15 communities in southwestern Ontario and has grown to be a leading solutions provider in the areas of technology, metering, construction and substation maintenance. At ERTH, we’re committed to delivering sustainable solutions for today, tomorrow and the future. YOUR HOMETOWN UTILITY CENTRAL ELGIN, ONTAR IO declared a climate emergency in 2019 and has since procured six electric vehicle charging stations and plans to install 10 more in the coming months, while gradually transferring their public works department to electric vehicles. Central Elgin is also building one of the country’s first zero energy, low carbon emergency service buildings. The 8,500 square foot building will have geothermal heating and cooling and will generate and run on its own solar electricity. Toronto architect, Thomas Brown, is the architect for the $4.2 million fire station and the construction contract went to PK Construction from Tillsonburg. Lloyd explains, “It will be constructed out of wood panels and include energy efficient fixtures. We’re very excited, it’s a unique building and will be, if not the first, one of the first buildings in Canada for emergency services that is zero energy.” Central Elgin has also taken on a lake level erosion study and have adopted the 100-year