Cedar City Regional Airport
from the runway and are currently acquiring a brand-new snow removal boom. As Galetka reports, “Southern Utah is a desert. We can have irregular weather conditions, from hot days to cold nights. So, you can experience four seasons in a day.” With recent flooding events around the city, the airport has been able to keep the rising waters at bay. This is due in part to a dedicated grounds crew and infrastructure that’s worked for decades. Galetka explains, “Most regional and smaller city airports are built on old farmland. To irrigate the land properly they had to dig creeks to channel water around. How old these channels are at the Cedar City Regional Airport is unknown, but the airport was established in the 1930s.” The old ditches are maintained by the operations crew, as well as the city’s streets department. Making sure run off is channeled through these creeks means the airport can CEDAR C I TY REGIONAL A I RPORT Nick Holt, Cedar City Regional Airport Manager
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