Albany Capital Center

ALBANY CAP I TAL CENTER A large facility like Albany Capital Center relies on relationships with outside companies to help create a perfect experience for clients. Clifton Park Rental, a family-owned company in operation since 1973, is a premier event rental company often supplying products to ACC. “A lot of the shows that come through need equipment that is outside of what we are able to provide,” says Licygiewicz. “Clifton Park Rental is one of those companies that can come in and do amazing things for our space. It is a great partnership. We see them as an extension of our business and a trusted partner to have our clients work with.” Mazzone Hospitality, a world class catering company offering delicious options from simple to elaborate, is another important partnership for Albany Capital Center. During the past months, as many food items became prepackaged, Mazzone found innovative ways to avoid packaging waste – a huge problem during the pandemic. An effort that Licygiewicz says was appreciated by ACC clients and staff. Finding a way back to normal will be an exercise in patience for Albany Capital Center. As Licygiewicz explains, “It is a real domino effect that is going to take everything from the travel industry to the hotel industry to reset itself. The most important part is to continue having productive, customer-friendly relations, and working with our partners creatively to find solutions to the ups and downs of the next couple of years. It’s nice to slow down and have a conversation with your client to really figure out what’s happening on their side. That, and just a continued stress on the importance of teamwork and moving forward day by day.” The short-term vision for Albany Capital Center might not be set in stone, but it is filled with innovation, success and possibility.