Westfield-Barnes Regional Airport

WESTF I ELD-BARNES REGIONAL A I RPORT It also has an Airport Commission and a city administration that are both committed to fostering business opportunities at the Airport, realizing that it is an important economic resource for the area. In fact, a state economic impact study determined that in 2019, Westfield- Barnes was responsible for 2,100 direct and indirect jobs with an economic output of $236 million attributable to the Airport’s operations. “I think that resonates with our community and its leaders,” Willenborg states. “We have an economic engine, not only for the City of Westfield, but for western Massachusetts and the Commonwealth.” Regarding the Airport’s long-range plans, Willenborg reveals, “We’re in the process of finalizing an Airport Master Plan update and getting that approved by the FAA and Mass. DOT. The previous Master Plan was done in 2004 and was updated over the last two years. The new plan really focuses on improving infrastructure out on the airfield, as well as hangar development to generate new revenues at the Airport. We also have some properties we’re looking to put out RFPs for non-aeronautical use. For example, it could be a storage facility and we have some large tracts that we’re looking into possibilities for a solar farm.” Is another scheduled commercial carrier in Westfield-Barnes’ future? “We fall within the catchment area of Bradley and Bradley is not at max capacity, but it’s just difficult for us to compete in that type of market,” Willenborg replies. “However, as the industry changes over time, it’s something we can look at. We designed certain parking aprons, and where our terminal building is, to handle 737s, so if the need arises in the future, we could transition to that type of service. But to make that type of investment, especially with the uncertainty with the airlines, right now, it’s not in the cards at this point. But long-term, if things bounce back and if Bradley meets a certain capacity, it might be something to look towards.”