Kissimmee, Florida

K I SS IMMEE , FLOR IDA attract an avionics school (avionic technicians are in high demand). We also attracted an airframe and power plant (A&P) school - another technical profession, whose average entry-level wage, after this two-year training, is between $70,000- $80,000 a year. That’s how in-demand those positions are. So now, when we talk to companies that want to locate at our airport when they ask us where their workforce is coming from, I’m able to say, ‘we’re growing your pipeline right here.’” Airport infrastructure is also on the City’s plan. “At our airport, we have a significant amount of investment occurring,” she said. “We have a taxiway expansion that’s coming online, in the eastern quadrant of our airport, which should break ground next year. Additionally, Holland Shelt Air recently was awarded an RFQ to redevelop approximately eight acres worth of land on that side of the airport. They’re actively working to develop custom-built facilities for interested parties. On the west side of the airport, we have two large facilities breaking ground in the coming months in our Business Airport