The Kalesnikoff Lumbar Company
Woodlands team is very extensive and we put a lot of time and effort into managing the land base for the utmost sustainability,” Chris explains. “We’re doing a lot of LIDAR modeling, so we have a strong understanding of the topography of the land.” (LIDAR, which stands for Light Detection and Ranging, is a remote sensing method that uses light in the form of a pulsed laser to examine the surface of the Earth. These light pulses—combined with other data recorded by the airborne system— generate precise, three- dimensional information about the shape of the Earth and its surface characteristics.) As part of our forest management, we replant three seedlings for every one mature tree that we harvest. We work to understand future climate patterns to ensure our replanted seedlings have a long healthy life cycle and are better suited for future obstacles such as drought patterns or insect infestations. We have over 10 different species in our area and each species, at different elevations, is going to have different levels of success. We try to use forward forecasting to understand what the future climates and droughts will look like and we try to plant species that will be successful in those types of environments. So, there’s quite a bit of science and forecasting that comes into play when we’re deciding what and where to replant.” Two other challenges in the lumber business are fire and insects. “Wildfires have been a significant issue in British Columbia,” Chris notes. We’ve began proactively working on fire mitigation strategies in our local communities and operating areas to help reduce the risk and damage potential if a future wildfire was to occur. Regarding insects, he remarks: “We’re fairly fortunate where we live; we’re just north of the U.S. border and over 500kms inland from the coast; we have beautiful mountain ranges that offer diverse elevations, with some of the peaks reaching up to 8,000 feet. We enjoy nice cool winters and warm summers. That allows for a very diverse forestland. This diversity of Canada’s leading supplier of commercial and small industrial biomass heating systems ASME and CSA certified 100 kW – 12 MW (0.3 MMBTU – 36 MMBTU) Over 130 energy efficient systems installed Fink Machine Owned & Operated District Heating System Box 308, 124 Old Vernon St. Enderby, B.C. V0E 1V0 Ph. 250.838.0077 | Fax. 250.838.0068 | DISTRIBUTOR FOR Built on nineteen years of experience with wood Biomass boilers in North America, Fink Machine has the reputation of being in the forefront when it comes to design, supply, installation and most importantly...Service! THE KALESNI KOFF LUMBER COMPANY
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