
HEMPF INI TY dispensary can’t obtain one. For someone who is looking to go for special cannabis legal compliance, once our state has gotten to that point, it’s going to be harder for them to obtain those essential licenses to not only be able to produce the product, but also to retail that product.” “So, for us, what we have to do is look at the longevity piece of the actual brand of our company,” he adds. “I do want to focus on the medicinal space when it becomes legal in North Carolina, but we need to be able to produce products that can go into other industries like manufacturing, textiles, clothing, etc. So, I tell a lot of farmers in this space that are looking to focus on just the medicinal part and hoping that the state goes legal, to not just grow the CBD (cannabidiol) or CBG (cannabigerol) or CBN (cannabinol), but also get into growing fiber to be able to wholesale the products that are needed for the large corporations.” So, what’s in the future for Hempfinity and