Aries Industries, Inc.

AR I ES INDUSTR I ES , INC . Classed as an essential service because it supports utilities and municipalities in water and wastewater management, the Aries team has had to be creative and innovative during the pandemic. Brown explains, “We made video demos of our new products and best practices. In addition, we hosted a virtual feedback session on a new product with our customers to gain their feedback and then made adjustments. As a result, we developed a much more robust product focused on the customer experience. Our employees have really stepped up, while keeping everyone safe at the same time. We were able to have some people work from home but still take care of business.” The company has recently added new dealers that are aggressive in the marketplace and who understand the purpose is not only to sell the product but to take care of the customer. Kraschinsky characterizes Aries as, “a progressive, aggressive organization, in our sales, product development and technology, as we keep pushing forward to being the leading company in inspection and rehabilitation products. Our salespeople look for solutions, trying to make sure they understand the customers’ needs first before they offer a solution for their challenges.” The Aries customer service call center tracked customer call history and based on the data invested in additional people to ensure coverage during the busiest hours when customers are out working in the field and need assistance. The company did the same for repairs – obtained the data and hired additional repair technicians to improve turnaround time. Summing up the best attributes of Aries Industries, Brown shares, “From our perspective, it’s all about the people. That’s more than just words. We’ve made investments in the teams and our operations. In fact, over the last two years, we’ve made significant investments in all aspects of our business but it’s all been wrapped around the positive intent ‘we’ culture and the customer experience. That will always be our priority.” Vice President of Sales, Jim Kraschinsky