Aries Industries, Inc.

Aries Industries is a data driven company, where investment decisions are based on external feedback and data – not emotions. Brown admits, “If there is an issue on a repair, we always say let’s get the data, let’s not make assumptions. We try to make decisions based on the best interests of our customers and they appreciate that. We do have really strong brand loyalty. It’s about how you move forward with customers and how you help them grow and be successful.” Brown adds, “The other important thing about Aries Industries is our people. We’re very proud of our leadership team and our individuals. A prime example is how we’ve been able to adapt through COVID-19. I give a lot of credit to our employees who have worked with our suppliers and customers to move the company forward in a unique time. We’re also proud of our customers and their support of our teams during the pandemic. We are in a much stronger position now than we were in March.”