CASE construction equipment, by the job,with attachments and support available for all its machinery.There are Sonsray Rental Centers in Santa Fe Springs, CA, Fontana CA, El Cajon, CA, San Leandro, CA, Sparks,NV, and Auburn, WA.Together, all four Sonsray divisions em- ploy approximately 375 people. Patrick Fisher,Vice President of Sonsray Machinery, relates how the purchase of the CASE dealerships was only the first step in the company’s growth and eventual success. “If we go back, prior to the acquisition, in 2012, the manufacturer had to assume the distribution of product, because the former owners–primarily two owner groups on the west coast–gave back the distribution to the manufacturer, saying they couldn’t afford WEST COAST WAREHOUSE TO SERVICE YOUR NEEDS TOKU America Inc. 3900 Ben Hur Avenue, Unit 3 Willoughby, Ohio 44094 t. 440.954.9923 f. 440.954.9929 4401 Etiwanda Avenue, Unit C Mira Loma, California 91752 t. 951.681.0908 f. 951.681.0908 SONSRAY, INC. to do it any longer.And the manufacturers–most of them are not good at distribution and service, they’re good at making product. So, basically,we started from ground zero, rebuilding the trust of the customers - that we’re going to be here for the long term, instead of being the third owner in five years. So, the first year was: ‘Come talk to me if you make it a year.’And we showed themwhat we could do in service and taking care of their operations.We’re a people-to-people business, servicing customers.Our job is to help make our customers make money, and once we started earning respect, it allowed us to grow and continue to grow.” Hoelscher elaborates: “When we took over, there was just a shell of people keeping the door open; the culture was very depressed and so you had a lot of people who were very negative.Through the years,what we’ve done is replace some bad apples, but also kept the ones that are good, and got them to be more positive and be a good player in our market.And we hired some talent, because at the end of the day, people buy from people, so as we
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