
lecting a lot of information and data, but they’re not turning that data into insights that they can make decisions on.We help them do that.” Regarding how DevFacto separates itself from the competition, Izquierdo offers the following: “For us, software is the end product. It has to be great, it has to work the way you expect it to work, it has to meet or exceed your expectations. What we have is a process that demystifies the building of that solution. It starts with an innovation phase, which is fairly unique to us, where we help our clients rethink the solution that they believe they want to build. People build solutions within the framework that they operate in day in and day out. And they typically don’t take the time to expand the pos- sibilities of what that framework could be. They might be missing some significant improvements that they can do. So, we have what we call an ‘ideation,’ which is the first step in any of the solu- tions that we build, where we help the customer innovate.We bring in the end users of the solu- tion that we’re going to build, or if that’s not pos- sible, the managers, and have a conversation about exploring possibilities. Out of that, we do a design; out of that design, we do an implementation; and finally, of course, the employ- ment and sustainment of the solution. “And throughout that whole process, what we focus on - and this is by design - is in DEVFACTO TECHNOLOGIES AT A GLANCE DEVFACTO TECHNOLOGIES WHAT: A software consulting firm WHERE: Edmonton, Canada WEBSITE: providing a ‘wow’ experience. A lot of companies, when they’re managing a project, look at scope, they look at schedule, they look at budget. And those three are really important.We don’t deny that and we also focus on them. But on top of that, we overlay what I think is even more import- ant, which is ‘How has your experience been with us?’ And we track that experience as our most important metric. And the way we track it is what is called the Net Promoter Score, the NPS, which is basically a survey that has a couple of ques- tions like, ‘How likely are you to recommend our services on a scale of one to ten and what’s the reason for your score?’ And, depending on what you’re telling us throughout the project - we don’t just do it at the end, we do it throughout – there are different processes that we have in place to ensure that if you’re giving us a low score, we help bring that score higher and move you from a detractor to a promoter. So that ‘wow’ experience is what we focus on– it starts with innovation, then follows with all the touch points that we have intentionally designed for you to feel com- fortable with what we’re doing, and for you to enjoy the full experience.” Izquierdo also believes that innovation is the lifeblood of the company: “I tell everybody in