Central Machinery

CENTRAL MACHINERY SALES INC. AGRICULTURAL AND CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT CENTRAL MACHINERY SALES INC. C entral MachinerySales is a full line CASE IHAgricultural and CASE Construction Equipment deal- er with stores located inMoses Lake,Pasco,and Sunnyside,Washington,and Hermiston,Oregon.“The companyoriginated backwhen CASE Power and Equipment was selling out and privatizing all their compa- ny stores across the nation,”explains Peter Harp,General Manager of Construction Sales. “CASE Corporation didn’t do a verygood job of running their own stores; most were losing money,and theyfinallydecided to sell them off.” So,in 1996,newowners,Pamp and Barbara Maiers,purchased the CASE IHAgricultural dealership inMoses Lake,Washington.In 2000,theyexpanded into the construction business inMoses Lake,while also acquiring the CASE construction store in Pasco,Wash- ington.The Pasco storewas soon expanded into the agricultural market with the pur- chase of SmithTruckandTractor in 2004,and in 2010,the purchase of JRJ Services in Pasco, Sunnyside,andHermistonOregon expanded the CASE IH agricultural and CASE construc- tion business to cover all of the Columbia Basin and parts of EasternOregon. “We became dual-branded to sell any- thing CASE Companymakes,which is kind of unique,”says Harp.“There are a fewdeal- erships around the county that do that,but for themost part,they’re separate.But here,it works verywell.We sell newand used equip- AT A GLANCE CENTRAL MACHINERY SALES INC. WHAT: A full line CASEIH Agricultural and CASE Construction Equipment dealer WHERE: Moses Lake, Washington WEBSITE: www.centralmachinerysales.com