Hyattsville, Maryland

AT A GLANCE HYATTSVILLE, MARYLAND WHAT: Urban suburb of Washington, D.C. WHERE: Prince George’s County, Maryland WEBSITE: HYATTSVILLE, MARYLAND AWORLDWITHIN WALKING DISTANCE H istorically significant Hyattsville, in Prince George’s County central Mary- land, enjoys a charming existence as a residential suburb of Washington, D.C. Settled at the head of the Anacostia River about the time of the American Civil War as Hart, it was renamed at its incorporation in 1886 for its founder, Christopher Clarke Hyatt. The Hyatts- ville Historic District with its Victorian-era archi- tectural gems is a much sought-after zip-code for home buyers and visitors. Hyattsville Community Planner, Katie Gerbes, reports, “Our sustainability plan is a major focus for the City.We update it every five years, most recently in May 2017. It has three themes: com- munity, connectivity, and development. Each theme has goals we’re hoping to achieve. It’s pretty comprehensive, covering green infrastruc- ture and environmental sustainability. The plan also talks about City-run programs and ways to keep them active and funded and engaging to the community. It also speaks to development happening in the city.” HYATTSVILLE, Maryland