Green Relief

of each. “Aquaponics is the most sustainable form of agriculture known; it’s been around for quite a long time,” says LeBlanc. “We liked the sustain- able agriculture aspect of it; also the no cost for fertilizers was very attractive. So we did a beta test and tested a small system.When we saw the results, and knowing that we weren’t in a really well-controlled environment, and could do a lot better, we thought this was the way we were go- ing to go.We started doing a ton of research on what would be the best facility for a controlled environment.We toured, roughly, 70 different grows, right across North America, and wanted to find out from the growers, themselves, what their biggest issues were. Then we took that informa- tion and sat down with our engineers and said, ‘This is what we have to construct.’ So, we de- signed a state-of-the-art, earth-sheltered building –basically a concrete bunker –with incredible HVAC components, and we built what is known as Green Relief, today.” “In our system, everything is 100 percent con- trolled,” Le Blanc continues. “We created an eco- system that is virtually the same as what you’d see in a pond, where you see lily pads, bulrushes – it’s all being fed by the aquaculture within that pond. The fish are in a tank, they poop and they pee in the tank–nitrifying bacteria convert the ammonia and the nitrites from the waste into usable plant food - nitrates for the plants. The plants then clean the water which comes back into the fish tanks, perfectly clean.We’ve just tak- en that and scaled it and scientifically balanced GREEN RELIEF Cannenta Clinic Corp. We are here to help you feel better. “Cannenta” means “healer” and cannabis is now becoming well known globally, for its medici- nal healing properties. In that regard, Cannenta Clinic is committed to educating patients and providing personalized, quality care through- out their medical cannabis journey. Based in Toronto, Ontario, Cannenta Clinic assists qualified patients with medical cannabis pre- scriptions through a simple, online process and connects them with a Licensed Producer (LP) to fulfill their medical cannabis needs. And that’s just the beginning. Cannenta Clinic’s commitment goes beyond securing patients a medical cannabis supplier; they also offer valuable cannabis information and consumption guidance. This includes alerting patients as to whether they already qualify for medical cannabis coverage under their current health plan. In medical cannabis jurisdictions, where there is no recreational component, the clinic sector plays a crucial role in supplying the product to qualified patients. Jessica Simmons, Senior Operations Manager for Cannenta Clinic ex- plains, “Patient care and patient experience is our number one concern. We tried differ- ent online clinics and felt the system wasn’t very smooth. You had to download apps, wait one or two weeks for a prescription, and then register with a licensed producer in Canada. Whereas our prescription process takes the stress away. It can be done quickly from the comfort of your home.” Cannenta patients just need to follow three easy steps: Step 1. Online Application • Fill in an application form with your per- sonal information including: Email, phone num- ber, and existing medical conditions. Step 2. Online Consultation • Attend an online video consultation with one of Cannenta Clinic’s nurse practitioners and answer a few standard questions regarding your request for a medical cannabis prescription. Approval by the Nurse Practitioner is mandatory before a prescription is issued. Step 3. Get Your Recommendation • Once issued a prescription from a Certified Health Care Practitioner, you will have a conversation via phone with one of Cannen- ta’s educators. They will help you choose the best LP to suit your needs. This includes strain recommendations, dosage information, and intake options. After speaking with an educa- tor and making a decision together, you will be transferred to your chosen LP the same day. When it’s time for renewal, Cannenta Clinic fol- lows up to see how you’re doing and help with any dosage or product changes recommended or needed. “We also have a Partnership Program,” Ms. Simmons noted. “Nurse practitioners legally authorized to issue medical cannabis prescrip- tions in Canada can join our network and start receiving patients right away.” If you’re looking for a solution to chronic pain, sleep disorders, anxiety, migraines, or any of the growing number of known ailments that cannabis helps relieve, whilst avoiding typical pharmaceutical medicines with negative side effects, then contact Cannenta Clinic and start the process today… for a better tomorrow. *Cannenta Clinic is proud of their ongoing re- lationship with Green Relief – an innovative Licensed Producer with a superior product and environmentally sustainable ‘Aquaponics’ ap- proach. Cannenta Patient Promo: New patients select- ing Green Relief as their LP, will receive a 20% discount on their first order.