Dahlonega GA

family in need, helping somebody whose house has burned down, raising funds for local not for profits that we have. This gift of giving and caring for one’s neighbors is very, very strong here,” Taylor conveys. With ongoing interest from developers and a growing number of people seeking to call Dahlonega home, the city is poised for growth. With this in mind, the emphasis is on maintaining the sense of place that makes the community so special. “We have to keep what makes us uniquely Dahlonega,” says Martin. “What sets us apart from other small towns is that people want to come back again and again to our community. When you come down over what we lovingly called Crown Mountain into the little valley and you hit Dahlonega, there’s a sense of peace and unity here. It’s just a wonderful little place to be.” A VISION FOR SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Poised for a bright economic future, the city is focused on attracting development. On the commercial side, the mayor says,“We would ideally target small, clean manufacturing. We have the opportunity, and also a potential building, which could serve very easily as 6 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 10