Christ the Redeemer Catholic Schools

system used to allocate funds directly to each of its 17 schools, while the central office oversees the broader financial strategy. “We try to allocate the dollars that the province gives us fittingly. So, each school gets a site based operating budget,” he says. “Our principals are typically not accountants, they’re educators, and they manage it very prudently and very well to make sure that we have textbooks and the like.” To help these funds stretch further, CTR participates in a large educational purchasing group, allowing them to negotiate favorable prices with major vendors.Additionally, a full-time procurement officer focuses on finding external funding opportunities through grants and ensuring compliance within the guidelines. “We are always looking for the deals,” Kilcommons maintains. “But on top of that, we are making certain that every time that we are going out and purchasing furniture, equipment, or we’re getting work done by facilities, everything’s done according to legislation and proper form, while always ensuring that we’re getting the best deal that we can.” Andrea Holowka 7 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 10 CHRIST THE REDEEMER CATHOLIC SCHOOLS