communities,” acknowledges Holowka. “It really is out there in rural Alberta, two hours away from any metro area, but it has had a really significantly high rate of immigration because of the settlement of workers into the meat packing plant that has really fueled growth of the town. It’s an area of significantly high growth, and we’re very blessed by that, because that means we get all sorts of wonderful families coming into our communities.”The vision for the new school extends beyond education, aiming to serve as a multi-services hub, offering not only classroom space but also meeting vital community needs such as mental health support and developmental assessments. “Most of the immigration that currently is occurring is international and many of them do not have English as their first language. Some of them have come with interrupted schooling or other challenges in their immigration into Canada, which comes with other needs. We’re happy to take them and educate them, and we absolutely love being a place where 5 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 10 CHRIST THE REDEEMER CATHOLIC SCHOOLS