Troy School District

9 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 10 TROY SCHOOL DISTRICT happens in our classrooms,” he admits. “My role is to make sure that the teachers in our classrooms have the resources, training, and support they need to be the most effective instructors to impact student achievement. I work diligently to provide those things, and then I get out of the way and let the real experts do their jobs.” There is no question that the focus of public education is shifting toward preparing students for the workforce. As such, the staff in TSD believe that it is their job to ensure that their young people develop a strong sense of career preparation through passion, interpersonal development, and deep learning experiences that enable all students to realize their potential. “We are not immune to some of the challenges that have been seen across the U.S. in terms of curriculum, instructional practices, and so forth,” Machesky admits. “We have experienced some of that, but I would say that we, as a school district, are positioned extremely well and it is largely