Sault Ste Marie Airport
6 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 10 seem to be building community engagement and promotion of the industry into their very core understanding of why they exist. Airports make good cheerleaders for pilots, and Sault Ste Marie is no exception. The Sault College flight program is part of their South College Campus and has operated from the field since 1998. They celebrated, along with the airport, a 25th anniversary this spring. In honor of that SSMADC has created four new scholarships of $2,500 each for first year aviation program students at Sault College. The College has 11 of their aircraft based at the airport. Most of their activity takes place in the warmer months, but they are also there for winter flying as well. For the general enthusiast, there is also the Sault Academy of Flight, which offers training for the private instead of a commercial pilot license. Given the sport hunting and fishing environment in the area, this can be a popular undertaking. There are between 20 to 25 General Aviation aircraft housed at the airport in T-hangars – which are currently full.
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