McHenry IL

9 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 9, ISSUE 12 school built them. They worked on it all year, they were out at the site helping build, they stored the pieces, and the graphic design department helped with the signage and logos. Truly a successful collaboration” adds Wolf. The next step is to work with the 10 shop owners to discuss relocation to a more permanent space. “Of course, everybody wants to be downtown, and we have to figure out a way to get them to other places because we don’t have enough space available for them right now. So, we need creative ways to keep them here in town,” she says. Another initiative is a streetscape program, adopted by McHenry City Council in 2022, which will see updates to aging streetscape amenities in the downtown. Additionally, a facade improvement program has been implemented to encourage businesses to invest in their buildings. “We are fortunate that businesses see the value of being in downtown McHenry, especially along MCHENRY, I LL INOIS Many of Porte Brown’s clients are friends and neighbors, but these close relationships didn’t happen overnight. Our accountants work with many of our clients on a monthly or even a weekly basis. Ultimately, we take great pride in getting to know our clients’ business operations and helping them achieve long-term financial success. Porte Brown LLC 4123 W. Shamrock Lane McHenry, IL (815) 385-1120 PorteBrown ® ACCOUNTANTS & ADVISORS