McHenry IL

13 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 10 MCHENRY, I LL INOIS to the local workforce, bringing new life to the area. Another significant project is the Fox Meadows Apartment Development, which will offer 540 apartment units in the south area of town. Martin admits, “These projects will certainly add to our housing stock and diversity, and more will be on the horizon because we will not fill our gap with these projects.” McHenry is a community rich in history, where many longstanding families and businesses have played a significant role in shaping the city’s identity. Looking to the future, McHenry has much to look forward to. The spirit of collaboration remains strong, and more opportunities for businesses and residents to be part of McHenry’s success are expected. “We have a lot of exciting things on the horizon,” Martin asserts. “We’re in the middle of continuing to build a very special place, and people want to be a part of it.”