McHenry IL

11 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 10 MCHENRY, I LL INOIS to hold the remembrance ceremony for 9/11 every year. We have a Vietnam Veterans Memorial out there that was constructed with donations from volunteers. We have a new pavilion that was built because of the understanding that it is a desired gathering spot for a variety of different opportunities,” Morefield says. The park also serves as a central meeting place for the town, hosting events like live music, and the Thursday night Pearl Street Market, affectionately nicknamed “McVinia”. “Our market is more of a maker’s market. It doesn’t have as many farmers as it does makers. It is very unique, and it brings in several hundred people every Thursday night,” Wolf describes. “It has kind of the old hometown feel, think Gilmore Girls, everybody gathers in the central park. It really is a sense of community, and all those people go out to our restaurants, or eat at the park as well.” Peterson Park is a larger waterfront venue for concerts and festivals, accommodating