Duneland School Corporation

13 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 10 DUNELAND SCHOOL CORPORAT ION communication with families through weekly phone calls and newsletters from principals.” In a world where choices abound, the school corporation remains steadfast in its mission. Pettit concludes, “The Duneland School Corporation is committed to providing a focused and challenging curriculum in a blended learning environment for all students. We prioritize differentiated instruction to meet individual student needs, offer relevant real-world instruction, and empower students through critical thinking and problem- solving. Our use of technology is pivotal, allowing students to create, connect, and communicate.” It’s evident that the Duneland School Corporation’s dedication to excellence, community engagement, and forward-thinking initiatives will continue to shape the future of education in their community and beyond. who are always looking to grow and learn.” The corporation’s dedication to progress is evident in its infrastructure developments. Robert McDermott shares insights into the ongoing projects, “We’re currently undergoing a significant capital improvement project. This includes the construction of a new elementary school, renovations of our other four elementary schools, and the expansion of both our intermediate schools, transforming them into five through eight campuses. These renovations encompass both instructional spaces and mechanical upgrades.” Marketing and community engagement remain at the forefront of Duneland’s strategies. Pettit elaborates on the school’s approach, “We use a myriad of strategies, primarily targeting our community and those within our district boundaries. Our communication channels include the local newspaper, our district website, social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, and even billboards in town. We also send out district- wide digital newsletters and maintain regular