Chester County SC

5 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 10 CHESTER COUNT Y, SOUTH CAROL INA it’s going to encourage other developers to come our way as well,” Long relays. The buildings, which will be redeveloped to include storefronts, apartments, and community spaces, will contribute to the vitality of downtown Chester. “In my mind, for any downtown to be successful, you need people living downtown. You can’t survive on that weekend business alone. You need that Monday through Thursday business you get from folks living downtown,” Long describes. “I’d love to attract a brewery or a nice restaurant that is going to give us a reason to take a prospect downtown to experience that and showcase our community. So, I’m looking forward to that.” The concept of establishing a social district in Downtown Chester is another focus for Long, as he explains, “One thing I’ve talked to the new mayor about is creating a social district