Breakhouse Inc

10 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 10 ‘Breaking’ down partnerships and the road ahead Vandenbrink is cognizant that part of the success of Breakhouse boils down to the relationships the company values with partners and suppliers. Working in collaboration helps with both efficiency and provides for a seamless design strategy. “They have [collectively] done so much for us over the years. Corp for example has been such an amazing partner for us and then Killam Properties which is a really strong community relationship company or REIT that does a lot of work with us and Kings Wharf.” Working collaboratively and with the client in mind while helping to position clients on the branding end has paid off for Breakhouse. Success has followed, and the unique approach has been recognized throughout the region. So what is next for Breakhouse? “We are very much East Coast Canadian at heart and that is reflected in our general approach which is very heavily community focused. We love living here too.” “Our expertise, however, is very much transferable, so this approach has lent itself to working in Vancouver, working in the US and even doing a project in Australia. “We see ourselves as a strong North American design firm; we call ourselves a massive project boutique,” Vandenbrink adds. The company has proven to provide leading design and brand positioning for a cross-section of clients and with so many projects in the pipeline it is clear that the company certainly will not be taking a ‘break’ from the dynamic business of design any time soon.