Sun Prairie, Wisconsin
6 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 3, ISSUE 10 SUN PRA I R I E , WI SCONS IN initiatives stemming from a vocalized need from its residents and businesses for adequate and flexible solutions. The city has stepped up to the challenge and was awarded a Childcare Grant to help boost their overall efforts. “The grant represents a certain amount of funds that help us with strategic planning for childcare in a hurry and also help in the experimental factor of what this looks like,” King explains. “There are things that we’re exploring on what it would look like to work with the private sector and developing new childcare opportunities that are affordable and accessible. But it’s still in that planning phase right now.” representing a boost for the city profile. The company just broke ground in the city’s business park located in the northeast corner of the community. Quarra Stone Company purchased 24 acres last year and they will put up a state- of-the-art stone cutting operation,” Brown states. “They do both CNC machining, hand carving stone work and they are world-renowned. They were actually in the White House being consulted on the Obama Library, and they have a special designation where they are advisors to the Smithsonian.” As families continue to move into the area, Sun Prairie is turning its attention to child care
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