Rancho Cucamonga, California
4 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 3, ISSUE 10 RANCHO CUCAMONGA , CAL I FORNI A As the city continues to evolve, Burris shares that the 1980s to the early 2000s primarily brought suburban single-family housing to the community, although this is changing. Right now, the ratio of single-family to multi- family is somewhere around three to one. Extensive trail and park networks keep the city connected, something Burris believes attracts individuals and families to Rancho Cucamonga. He notes, “Having a well-established equestrian community when we incorporated meant that there was a strong interest to connect neighborhoods for horses, and those multipurpose trails serve everybody else just as well as they serve equestrians. The trails helped drive some of the connectivity throughout the city.” With many residents commuting out of Rancho Cucamonga to go to work, Burris admits, “We are still trying to figure out where we’re going to land post-COVID, in terms of how things shift. A lot of our understanding and data on community patterns rests on our historic travel patterns before COVID.” Today, roughly 60% of residents are commuting, heading to Los Angeles or Orange County, where there is a high concentration of professional jobs. “Our mix of residents tends to skew towards educated and those who are working in white collar professional jobs. So, a good number of our residents get up every day, get into their car, and leave the city or even the county to go to work,” Burris adds. Working with Brightline West, and the San Bernadino County Transportation Authority, the city is excited about a project that will make Rancho Cucamonga the southwestern terminus of a high-speed rail line connecting Las Vegas and Southern California. Burris exclaims, “That is probably one of the coolest things that we are working on. We will be one of very few cities on the west coast that have high-speed rail, and the fact that we’ll have a station that connects the city to Las Vegas, another city, in another state,
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