Holyoke, Massachusetts

2 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 3, ISSUE 10 A s a community with its own rich story, the City of Holyoke is an echo of the accomplishments of an entire country, acting as a gateway for industry, innovation and immigration. Uniquely situated in western Massachusetts, the city of 40,000 is 30 minutes from the Connecticut border and a short ride to New York, Boston, Vermont and New Hampshire, on what is known as New England’s “Knowledge Corridor.” An industrial built city, Holyoke was designed to support 80,000 residents, and today they are working to grow the community, bringing new industry and opportunity and reviving the vibrancy of the past. Aaron Vega, Director of Planning & Economic Development, shares, “One of the great things about Holyoke is its history. It’s one of the first designed cities in the country. The Industrial Revolution and the advent of energy through water power created the city. I like to say we were green before green was a thing.” A man-made canal system off of the Connecticut Holyoke,Mas Storied past signals a vibran