Bill Cole Automotive Group

9 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 9, ISSUE 10 of state. “If we need a part and the only place it is available is at a dealer shop in Phoenix, for example, we will buy it from them and get our customer back on the road. However, the pressure will only mount as more cars come in for service and repair. Body shops are also feeling the pressure because when a wrecked car comes in and requires 200 parts, but you have only 199, you cannot hand the car back to the customer until you get that last part.” The company has also had to adjust its used inventory acquisition strategies as the availability of pre-owned units evaporates. “Buying used cars at auction isn’t usually the best option in such a market because you don’t know the car’s history,” explains Bill Cole. “Instead, we are moving towards buying more of our inventory directly from owners because any time a customer asks a question about the car’s history, we can pick up the phone and speak directly with the previous owner. This has proven to be highly successful.”