Arbutus Properties

7 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 9, ISSUE 10 neighborhood interaction,” Minakakis details. “The materials on our homes in our neighborhoods really cater to longevity because again one of our marketing things from the beginning was always that our neighborhoods are going to beautify with age. Everything is going to look premium in value.” Another key element in the overall designs produced by Arbutus Properties relates to the efforts the company has put forth in the realm of planning communities that are highly sustainable. The next project in the works for Arbutus Properties involves a level of sustainability that is second to none and will represent one of the most comprehensive sustainable communities in the country when completed. According to Totland, “It is in the conceptual planning stages, but it will be built upon all of those sustainability concepts that I think that cities and municipalities are looking for.” Epic Contracting & Epic Exteriors are proud to partner with Arbutus Properties for the past 10 years. MA K E I T A N E X P E R I E N C E 1901 1st Avenue North, Saskatoon, SK