Williamsburg Landing

continued to address situations and issues as they arise. We’ve done very well through the pandemic, compared to a lot of other health care facilities, and Life Plan Communities. We test on a regular basis, and we are mandating the vaccine for all our employees.” Throughout the pandemic, emphasis has been on keeping residents safe, while also keeping them connected. The introduction of Temi, a robotic companion, helped to ease some of the feelings of isolation for residents and earned the community a McKnight Technology Award. Storer reports, “We have four Temi units that have been really beneficial to our residents. Temi offers a full range of service, from FaceTime with your family members, to playing movies, videos, music, and having conversations. It was important for us to try to find ways to keep our residents connected to their family members. And we continue to do that even today.” Williamsburg Landing has seen much growth over its 36 years, with another 15 acres ready and waiting for future expansion. Continuing to focus on quality of life for residents, Storer describes his vision for the growth of the community: “ I think one of the biggest things that is going to have a profound effect on how we live and work in our community is technology. We need to find ways to use technology to provide services, to work smarter, to find efficiencies, and to connect our residents. By managing this crown jewel in a manner that serves our residents, provides a great place to work and remaining financially strong will allow us to maintain our independence and position within the marketplace. We also need to continue to build on the culture that we have, our culture of caring about one another.” Surrounded by tradition, while embracing the innovations of the future, Williamsburg Landing is a progressive Life Plan Community. A genuinely welcoming place to call home.