Snellville, Georgia

SNELLV I LLE , GEORGI A Snellville’s current population is a little more than 20,000, an increase of about two percent in the last decade and Sanders expects the growth to continue between three and five percent in the next five to ten years. The city is located in Gwinnett County, about 44 miles east of downtown Atlanta, along Highway 78 and Highway 124. That intersection is also the city’s main retail and commercial hub – it sees more than 100,000 vehicles cross through it every day, with people commuting to and from Atlanta to work and others using the shopping district. Sanders knows continuous improvement in Snellville is a big draw. He reports, “People have started to look at local communities that have amenities like we’re building in the Grove as a very attractive place to live and work.” One of their largest projects has been talked about, researched, and conceptualized for the last 20 years. And now it is coming to fruition;