
Changing Lives, One Conversation At a Time Our CALLS PLUS round the clock team of multilingual, multicultural, multigenerational experts provides customizable communications services to a wide variety of clients nationwide. Services include school safety hotlines, case intake and counseling, nurse triage, end-to-end patient management, trend analysis, Information & Referral services, maintenance work order generation and dispatch, among others. 877-84CALLSP | Scan with phone to visit our website the benefits of remote virtual care for years. But never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined the adoption that’s happened over the last year and a half since COVID hit. All of a sudden the demand for care has increased by almost 200% percent. It’s been a whirlwind for us, to say the least.” BVM: Do you provide staff training? Brophy: “We have close on 300 employees in total. The training is all done remotely and that wasn’t a big learning curve because we’ve been virtual for about 17 years. All our nurses in the U.S. have been working virtually since we started offering remote working opportunities. We have nurses licensed in every state because we have clients in every state. “Prior to the pandemic, the bulk of our Canadian staff worked in one of our four health contact centers, but everybody now works from home. Except our senior core leadership team who