Valley International Airport

• Monitoring and Management Technologies • Maintenance / Baggage Systems • Ground Support Equipment • Gate Equipment Multiple Technologies - Meaningful Solutions - JBT For the Perfect Turn immediately, to do all the safety precautions that you’ve heard of: disinfecting high-touch surface areas in the terminal building, which could be anything from elevator buttons, to escalator railings, to ticket counters, to chair seating in the concourse. We also went into our restaurants and made sure that we had proper distances between tables.” “Then we started thinking outside the box,” Esterly continues. “We installed plexiglass barriers on all our ticket counters and podiums to protect our employees from our passengers, and the passengers from any employee that may be infected. Then we took it another step and we put social distancing markings on the floor in queue lines and then we tackled our checkpoints. We went to the checkpoint areas and we teamed up with a company that provides all of our stanchions that you see in airports and we purchased large plexiglass barriers to separate queue lines. If you’re standing in a checkpoint line, you can distance yourself fairly