Valley International Airport
Valley International Airport is a public use, commercial service airport located in the City of Harlingen, in Cameron County, Texas, in the center of the Rio Grande Valley. The Airport started out in 1941 as a military air base used for pilot training, and after World War II, it morphed into Harlingen Air Force Base. In 1964, it became surplus property and was picked up by the City of Harlingen, which assumed control of the Airport in 1967. In 1989, there was a groundbreaking for the new terminal building, which was completed in 1991. Operated by a nine-member board made up of local businessmen and women appointed by the mayor, Valley International Airport is self-sustaining, operating in the black, and without the support of any tax dollars from the city. In fact, rather than spending the city’s money, the Airport’s economic impact on the Rio Grande Valley is considerable. L O O K I N G F O R O P P O R T U N I T I E S
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