Florence, Arizona
FLORENCE , AR I ZONA BVM: What other strategic partnerships did you forge? Billingsley: “Our next partnership was Ferguson Waterworks, a large construction firm based in Texas. And for meter technology, we chose Mueller, an industry leader and one of the largest producers of water hardware in the world. They were very interested to work with us and excited to implement one of the first AMI systems using LoRaWAN technology as the communication backbone. The testing is now complete, and we are in full systemwide install with respect to our AMI system. It gives us maximum flexibility and we own and control the data. “Fairly recently, we partnered with Water Smart out of California for a software solution and phone apps, where the customer has real time data from their water meter. But it goes beyond that. Once it’s installed, we have leak detection set up for all our water mains, meters, etc. in our system, but it will also do leak detection of individual residences. You would get a notice through the app on your
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