Flagstaff, Arizona

FLAGSTAFF , AR I ZONA States Geological Survey, a science-based research facility with a campus in Flagstaff, is responsible for a wide range of work, including a recent mapping project for the Mars Rover. “Flagstaff has strong ties to astronomy,” says Jack Fitchett, Interim Business Attraction Manager. “NASA has done a variety of testing out here, specifically with their lunar rovers.” W.L. Gore and Associates is one of Flagstaff’s largest private employers, with over 2,500 hundred employees locally. The company’s unique range of products includes Gore-Tex waterproof, breathable apparel, guitar strings, and lifesaving medical materials. Flagstaff is also home to W.L. Gore’s biomedical research and development team, and biomedical manufacturing facilities. Translational Genomics Research Institute, also known as TGen North, is another highly successful Flagstaff company, researching disease in the human genome. Saltonstall explains, “TGen North has been extremely busy during these days of COVID. In fact, they’ve doubled their employee count since March, as they have been providing testing for a number of agencies throughout the state, and they’re doing all of their regular stuff, as well.” Nestle Purina Petcare, another major contributor to the local economy, manufactures 1,000 tons of dry pet food per day. Northern Arizona University brings a student population of 25,000 to Flagstaff, which is another driving force for community development. Flagstaff Pulliam Airport sits on the outskirts of the city. “For a small community of 72,000 people, we’ve got a decent-sized airport that has daily flights to Denver, Dallas, and Fort Worth. We also have flights out to Los Angeles. We’ve got two commercial airlines working out of here. That really helps with those businesses that are located at the business park,” says Saltonstall. A few of the companies located in that park include Joy Cone Company, the world’s largest