First Heritage Federal Credit Union

F I RST HER I TAGE FEDERAL CREDI T UNION a way to provide art for our new complex, we ran a contest for our employees. We gave away some pretty nice prizes – three-to-five-day trips, depending on the category. We took all those prints and put them on our walls and we also have a large video board in our lobby, which rotates all those photos. So, we really did a lot of things that are community-oriented. That’s what we wanted to portray when we did this project.” “We also have a great opportunity in this very large new building, because we have a lot of space in which to social-distance our folks, and we’ve done that,” Pisano adds, referring to even more COVID-19 safeguards that were implemented. “We moved them from where we originally wanted them to be when we planned it, to limit how closely folks are together. We’re taking all the safety precautions – we’re requiring masks within our buildings and we have sanitation stations throughout our branches. I think that our staff is appreciative that we went well above for their safety.” Going forward, Pisano says that one of the things that the pandemic helped point out was the need to stay current regarding remote technology. “We want to advance our technology and make sure that our remote delivery services are state-of-the-art and that they’re meeting our members’ needs,” he states. “That’s the wave of the future and, obviously, COVID turned up the urgency a little bit more to make sure that we’ve got those electronic services for our membership. We want to continue to take every opportunity to help our members through this pandemic, whether they’re having problems paying their loans, which we have done from day one with skip payment programs or deferment, and really working with all our members in these very uncertain times. We don’t know what the next few years hold, but we want to make sure that we’re doing things for our members that will help them feel a little bit more secure in their financial lives. For a small credit union, we actually did a significant amount of payment protection loans for our business members to