Quality Tank Solutions, LLC
QUAL I TY TANK SOLUT IONS , LLC Omega Thermo Products is a manufacturer of Laser Plates and Custom Heat Exchangers used worldwide for hundreds of different applications, providing its customers and end users with optimum solutions for their heat transfer applications. Located in Stratford, WI Omega supplies its components and systems to a variety of industries including the water, beverage, food, chemical, pulp & paper, dairy, pharmaceutical, refrigeration and marine industries. Omega’s laser-welded heat exchangers are America’s most customizable, highest quality, integral tank jackets. Omega’s proprietary technology provides greater process efficiency, longer life cycles, and cost savings, thus ensuring a more sustainable operation. Our Wisconsin facility services customers throughout North America with development, support, engineering, and manufacturing, as well as a network of dedicated Omega sales and business partners. ...... For more information, please visit our website www.omegathermoproducts.com
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