Reese Tower Services

that enhance cell coverage and provide cellular signals in urban areas, and are made of steel; as well as wood and concrete poles. RTS was founded by Brian Reese, who received his Bach- elor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering from Penn State University, spent several years as a consulting engineer in the power industry, and then moved into the tower business, helping to produce tubular steel poles and different types of pole structures for supporting communication devices. “Back in those days, the richest guy in town had a bag phone in his Porsche and none of the rest of us had anything,” he recounts. “But, by the time I left the pole company about eight years later, everybody had cell phones. It was a real hot time; a lot of demand; a lot of tower manufacturers across the county were incredibly busy.” “The public appreciated the cell service and the data capa- bilities, but eventually, they grew tired of seeing a new tower going up on every block,” Reese continues. “So, the industry REESE TOWER SERVICES, INC. moved on towards structural modifications and retrofits. The whole modification business was born out of a need to utilize what we had; taking existing structures that were designed well in their day, but by today’s standards might be under-designed, and in need of structural modification. So, when I left the pole company, I was involved with a company that did structural modifications all over the United States. “After that, I joined another company that provid- ed professional services around that industry.What I mean by that is mappings, weld inspections, and examinations –professional services that aligned nicely with my history in the tower business, as well as the fact that I’m a registered, professional engi- neer and a certified weld inspector. Four years ago, I decided to take a swing at this, myself, and I opened Reese Tower Services and decided that I was go-