union city

PREFERRED VENDORS n CityView www.cityview.com CityViewis a premier investment management and development firm which targets complexmultifamilyhousing opportunities in densely populated urbanmarkets primarily in theWesternUnited States.The firm prides itself on its ability to be a part of revitalizing neighborhoods within metropolitan areas,while at the same time,striving to generatemean- ingful returns for its institutional investors. n ROMA Design Group. www.roma.com so even though the construction work is done at the east side of the BART station,we still need to get permission to cross the railroad tracks.And that process in underway,” says Mark Evanoff,Deputy City Manager. “Also the ACEforward,which does train service between Stockton and San Jose, has an EIR (Envi- ronmental Impact Report) out for expanded service that includes looking at providing service to Union City BART,”Evanoff continues.“SamTrans,which is on the peninsula, has just issued a study for reactivat- ing Dumbarton Rail, which would be passenger rail between Union City and Redwood City. Union City has already certified the EIR for the tracks to connect to the Union City BART station and we’ve submitted the application to the Alameda County Transportation Commission to build that project. That’s about $75 million.The City Council of Union City has also passed a resolution pledging to part- ner with ACE and is giving ACE the opportunity to build that project using the Measure BB sales tax dollars to build those Union City improvements.” Measure BB, approved byAlameda County voters in 2014,will generate nearly $8 billion over 30 years for essential transportation improvements in every city throughout Alameda County. Finally, Evanoff says the city has a contract with a developer to build 1.2 million square feet of office space on the east side of the BART station, and it’s working on providing high-speed, city- owned fiber cable to the businesses and housing in the Station District. “We’re in the process of pulling fiber through existing conduit,” he says. “It will connect to BART’s backbone fiber and we’ll be leasing some of BART’s fiber to connect to the data center in Oakland. So, this would be a way UNION CITY, CALIFORNIA of having our businesses’ and residents’ fiber in gigabytes per second, as opposed to megabytes per second,which will be much faster and cheaper than AT&T and Comcast.” The one-two-three punch of investment in trans- portation, housing, and high-tech jobs keeps Union City constantly on the move.