union city

UNION CITY, CALIFORNIA E S T 2 0 1 7 T H E --------------------------------------------------- Designed for Access. Built for Style. --------------------------------------------------- Now Leasing ____________________________________________________ Spaces that are clean, simple & uncomplicated. Designed tomatch your lifestyle. theunion ats.com 510.400.3053 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 bedroom apartments from $2,200 2 bedroom apartments from $3,050 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 34588 11th Street, Union City, CA 94587 Decoto neighborhood that creates “green” infra- structure that mimics natural systems.The project adds greenery to the sidewalks by adding trees and bio-filtration planters, also called rain gardens, which filter pollution out of stormwater before it runs into nearby creeks and the San Francisco Bay. Permeable pavers on the street also help capture, retain, and treat stormwater runoff while also providing improved drainage and groundwater recharge.The final effect is a tree-lined, pedestri- an-friendly“Green Street” that reduces water and air pollution and water consumption. The first part of the project encompassed three blocks of C Street between 6th and 9th, and includ- ed four intersections,with rain gardens, sidewalk bulb-outs, and speciallymarked crosswalks to increase pedestrian safety in the residential area. The second phase ran from F Street to I Street and from 12th to 15th, encompassing 15 intersections which equates to 34 rain gardens.“We did complete the second of our Green Street projects,” says Ruark, “and our third project began construction last July and probably won’t be wrapped up till next March.” This third phase,which will complete the project, covers 12 blocks and will add 35 rain gardens to filter stormwater. Ruark adds: “We’ve also just been awarded a $7.8 million grant from the Alameda CountyTranspor- tation Commission to construct 2.2 miles of bike lanes on Union City Blvd., to complete a gap in our bike program,which will then complete the ability for someone to ride their bike on Union City Blvd. from Hayward, through our entire city, to Fremont.” The city anticipates the design and construction will take around two years in total. Pedestrian and bike-friendlymodes of transit aren’t the onlymajor projects Union City is working on—the city is also developing more housing. Joan Malloy,Union City’s Economic and Community De- velopment Director, reports that there are currently 243 apartments under construction that will be completed by October. In addition,“We just met with a developer for 430 additional apartments that are in the planning phase and they’re on track for enti- tlements by the end of the year,” she says.“We have 63 town homes going in and under construction, on Alvarado-Niles Road, and another 36 mixed-use town houses going in on Union City Blvd. So,we’re really trying to continue to stay affordable bymeet- ing the housing needs in our community.” Another major city project, just completed six months ago, is a two-sided BART station,with a new east entrance with a pedestrian pass-through.“We’re still awaiting for the administrative law judge to issue the permit to construct the at-grade crossing,