union city

UNION CITY, CALIFORNIA UNION CITY, CALIFORNIA ON THE MOVE U nion City, in Alameda County, California, a municipality of approx- imately 75,000 resi- dents,was incorporated in 1959 by combining the communities of Alvarado,NewHaven, and Decoto.A gateway to the high- tech region known as Silicon Val- ley,Union City has grown into an innovative and ethnically diverse metropolis, as well as a mecca for entrepreneurs and creators looking for a location where they can operate a viable business and still easily connect with the rest of the region’s companies and workforce. Meanwhile,Union City already has a strong economic base with a wide variety of large busi- nesses frommedical device and AT A GLANCE UNION CITY, CALIFORNIA WHAT: A city of 75,000 WHERE: In Alameda County, approximately 20 miles south of Oakland and 20 miles north of San Jose WEBSITE: www.unioncity.org