Simpli Home
PREFERRED VENDORS n True Commerce, Inc. A leading global provider of trading partner connectiv- ity and integrated solutions since 1995, TrueCommerce links suppliers, retail hubs and consumers in one global commerce network. Offering a variety of flexible, inte- grated and fully managed service solutions including EDI, supplier management, vendor managed inventory, and eCommerce platforms, businesses of any size can easily connect with any trading partner over the world’s most complete trading partner platform. TrueCommerce helps more than 12,000 customers in manufacturing, retail, wholesale and many other industries achieve new levels of business connectivity and performance. n IMC Companies, LLC ecommerce space has required the company to become and stay nimble, flexible, and fluid in anticipating continuous change. Simpli Home has been able to save money by effectively managing its global supply chain, pro- ducing high qualitygoods inwell run factories,lever- aging cost efficiencies in countries around the world, and using effective distribution networks.These cost savings are transferred to the end-user who then shops for Simpli Home’s high-quality goods, online, at a great price.As the company’s customer base grows, so does its ability to analyze trends. Because of the immediacy of online shopping, ecommerce platforms such as Simpli Home are able to respond quickly to customer needs. Simpli Home celebrates its diversity. “Our com- pany is transparent and encourages creativity, discussion, and fraternity in all offices around the world,”Weinreich declares. “We celebrate our success by hosting inter-company events, Inter- national Directors’ meetings, recognizing many religious and national holidays, travelling to different countries with our people and their families, and giving back to the world communi- ties by supporting many charities such as PLAN, and Hand In Hand.“ SIMPLI HOME
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