
T he rush for gold in Austin, Texas ensued nearly a decade ago, after it began creeping up lists as one of America’s fastest growing cities, best cities, arts & culture cities, and top job creation cit- ies, just to name a few. In 2012, Forbes ranked Austin as the number-one, fast- est-growing city in the country, expect- ing an annual population growth of 2.8 percent by 2016. By 2014,Austin was enjoying a 2.9 percent annual popula- tion growth,making it, once again, the fastest-growing city in the nation. Austin is home to a top university, a thriving technology hub, some of the best music in America-and money.And with the city’s wealth comes a deep and prosperous luxury housing market. One of Austin’s custom homebuilders has not just grown alongside the city, but flexed and yielded with her during SENDERO HOMES CUSTOM, CLASSIC, AND CONTEMPORARY AT A GLANCE SENDERO HOMES WHAT: A privately-held, custom home firm WHERE: Austin,Texas WEBSITE: