jarrett bay

18th birthday.But,I knew,veryquickly,that I had to supplement that income and I startedworking for some local boat building companies and gained some valuable experience doing it.But it certainlywasn’t wheremypassionwas. “In 1986,it occurred tome that the boat that we had that was op- erating charters wasn’t doing thework; it was old,it had been built in 1967,it was slow,it was smaller thanmost of the boats being used in that time frame.Andwe had beenwatching a real change and up- grade in our local fleet; the boats were getting larger and faster; they were riding better in the ocean; theyhadmore capability.And I knew that in order to continue to stayproductive inmychosen field,I was going to have to improve our boat. “So,a fewof us set out in a rented building in a little community calledWilliston,North Carolina.That buildingwas a pole barn,built out of telephone poles and tin.It had dirt floors andwhen it rained it leaked on us and if we had an occasional snow,it snowed in the build- ing.But we started building our first boat.That boat was 52 feet long.It JARRETT BAY BOATWORKS AT A GLANCE JARRETT BAY BOATWORKS WHAT: A premier builder of custom sport fishing boats WHERE: Beaufort, North Carolina WEBSITE: www.jarrettbay.com took just over a year to build it.The name of that boat was Sensation; we launched it and it came out pretty good. “As we finished that boat,another guycame along and said,‘I’d love to have one of those boats.’Andwe said,‘Whenwe’re not charter fishing,we’ll build a boat for you.’So a second boat was built and it also came out prettygood.By the timewe finished that boat,we had sold boats three and four,and then,veryquickly, five,and six,and seven.We soon had an opportunity to move to another location,andwhenwe got up to boat number twelve,it occurred tome that we had acciden- tallyput ourselves in business and the charter fishing had to go by thewayside.And everyday,since then, we’ve been coming in and building veryhigh-end, custom,sport fishing boats.” BVM: Why is the companycalled Jarrett BayBoat- works? Ramsey: The Company’s name came from that first bodyof water that first buildingwas on; it was called Jarrett Bay.Whenwe started building that first boat, wewere trying to buy somematerials.Acompany said if we don’t have a companyname,we can’t sell to you.And I was gazing out the backdoors of that old tin shed and sawthat bodyof water and I said,‘Fine.If you’ve got to have a name for our company,our com- pany is Jarrett BayBoatworks.’And it stuck.” BVM: Obviously,you’re not still working out of that